Monday, 10 August 2015

Dear fellow travellers 
of human existence !
                                               Date: 10-08-2015
Naturally, we need and like Peace 
for ourselves to live life smooth and
conveniently all over the world.
Still, innumerable of us
are involved in rough and tough ways
to do wrongly bad and sad actions to
give pain and miserable things to other
people or mortal beings here due to their 
own wrong thought pattern of narrow 
mindedness of belief or faith, on this very
beautiful planet which is abounds with
pretty plants and trees with flowers and
wholesome delicious fruits to present us
without any discrimination of colour,caste 
or creed. Humanity is crying everywhere.
   So, it is the prime duty of our all visionary
and responsible intelligentsia to consider
intensely over this crucial matter over and
over again collectively, to get remedial and
sharp meaningful solutions to attain well 
and significantly natural situation of mutual goodwill amongst whole mankind with global
prosperity and World Peace.
 Let us move together ...........
And do the best !

Yours truly
Gyanendra Singh ( Kavi Gyani Hindustani )
Activist, Cyclist & Poet from Uttarakhand

( Doing an attempt for awakening gradually
in this regard through a movement or simple campaign by Cycling Expedition in India, 
since 11-05-2002 and for the time being ,
Sixth   Expedition on bicycle is going on which
was started on First of February , this year.
So far, beyond 3690 Km has been covered from
Mumbai to here viz. Karnal ( Hariyana ) and for
awakening in the country totally 25,910 Km has
done by His Providence )

Facebook : Gyani Hindustani
Blog :
Email :
 Mobile No. -  08081564295


To All The Respected Souls 
Dear Fellow Beings Of  Earth !   
                                                                   Date : 07-08-2015

Namaskar !  Jay Hind !  Jai Bharat !

I hope my efforts for Global Peace through my 
6th Cycling Expedition will give you some reasons 
to feel a sense of hope and belief that some awakening 
souls with having good latent talents in their human 
existence would be soon arising to stand and move 
to have their invaluable initiative for the noble cause 
of World Peace in our country to make it great again 
and  to attain its glorious past with might and main for 
making it the leader of whole world.

     For the time being , my these simple efforts are being 
done here in Karnal ( Hariyana ) by meeting some sincere, responsible, enlightened, visionary and local  highly 
educated persons or fellow beings who are cautious about  
the good of our country with having their deep mutual
goodwill and good understanding to achieve our glorified 
state to be proud of naturally, all over the world that we are
the citizen of this dignified great country viz. India, 
Hindustan or Bharat.

        Let us provide the sufficient opportunities to our 
all children of our exalted Bharat Mata in accordance 
with their natural flair and inborn hidden capacities to 
be come out with their well complete growth or development 
so that they may move forward with taking essential steps 
and having run the race of making our country developed 
with its unprecedented ancient culture to see it prospering 
now and here throughout the country with its full pace 
naturally by our mutual collective attempts by the grace of 
our Creator, the Almighty God.

    May His providence be ever on all human beings and all animate creatures and inanimate things of this planet , the 
earth of this  universe. May all beings be happy !

 With having natural  expectations of your good wishes, 
blessings, directions and good guidelines of  weighty values 
from your heart and soul................ regularly with full force henceforth hereafter.
Sincerely yours

Gyanendra Singh ( Kavi - Gyani Hindustani )
Social Activist, Cyclist and Poet from Uttarakhand ( India )

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