Friday, 28 August 2015

   ( Apne Prem-Patra For Peace Lovers )

Love letters of Peace, Prosperity, 
Unity, Humanity And Brotherhood
       Letter No.- 8
            Place : Kaithal   Date:  29-08-2015

 Subject :  Crime With Women Is Worst For Humanity

Dear sympathetic friends,

We know that our second gender generation is the first in 
the real sense. The most respectable form of human being
is regarded or known to be the epithet or existence of our
Mother. We also see God in the form of Supreme Mother.

Still, we see her being victimized of uncountable
forced crimes from time to time all over the world.
Even, in our country where we worship thousands
of goddesses  and holy sadhvis here also so many
crimes with women have been done mercilessly daily
throughout  the country.

To be added more later !

       Letter No.- 7
           Place : Kaithal     Date : 29-08-2015

Subject :  Increasing Crime Is Alarming

Dear Peace-lovers,

It is really shameful for us that we are losing our 
tranquility and peace of mind with the rapidly
growing and developing pace of technology and 
science on our beautiful planet where all community
of human being has been struggling for it since the
time immemorial. From the very ancient times and 
the age of fire and iron, innumerable notorious wars 
and quarrels have been taking place all over the world
from time to time during which uncountable lives of
human beings lost forever.
  It is the sad story of our country that a nation where
mostly we boast often to have the real feelings of mankind
with the famous slogan as " Vasudhaivkutumbkam"
that is to say, the whole earth is our own family, we are
losing ground in maintaining our fundamental objective
of our great Indian Culture. Everyday we see, listen or
study about so many news in daily newspapers regarding
heinous crimes making the situation of our country from
bad to worse gradually or by leaps and bounds.
    Many heartless people enjoy crime and terrorism who
have lost their humane feelings of heart and feel after
having seen some helplessly miserable victim as saying
inwardly with cruel laughing imagination like a filmy 
villain thinking harshly" kaisa fadfadaa rahaa hai,saalaa!'
viz. wow! in what a good manner he is murmuring !
   People , who never tackle such a bad situation in their
personal lives regarding some cruel acts or crime, mostly
never know that what kind of pain they have to suffer, so
frequently, they have their negative attitude to think it as
this is the way of the world and it has been retaining since
the very beginning of human life, it can never be changed.
   Naturally, it is a fact that crime has been existed since
time immemorial but our outlook should not be negative
in thinking that we are mere helpless human beings,hence
nothing can be done to remove the crime from our human
society. No doubt, it cannot be remove absolutely from our
nation or the world but crucial requisites can be adopted
to save our innocent people from any form of the crime.

       My fifth Cycling Expedition from Rameshwaram 
( Tamil Nadu) to Mumbai ( Maharastra )  in zig-zag 
manner covered 7445 Km in more than 11 months was 
done specifically for mass awakening in the country to
have some feelings about the helpless victims. We must
have a sense of our duty and responsibility as a citizen
of our developing nation. But at what extent, we have
such noble feelings of humanity, we can guess, seeing
so many heart rending news throughout our country
and beyond its territory all over the world. I, myself
had to suffer twice two untoward incidents being the 
victim of theft and once had to face the sudden attack 
of trying to death by some youngsters while I was in 
deep sleep in an old  Shiva Temple of a village named 
"Ravan" in Pune district situated at Solapur road.
Even police officials and news reporters did not give
me any satisfactory favours. They only assured me 
to do something later on but not any firm and effective
action on the spot to get some good result to maintain
peace, rule and regulations as well as law and order.
   This is the situation of our country. Then,how can we 
expect of being better from others.  But, here I would 
like to say if really we wish to improve the situation of
our country, we have to rethink and take step to be well
united with the fellow feelings with nationality, global
peace and humanity being together in all aspects of life.
Be happy and strong for the good of all.
Sincerely yours
Gyanendra Singh


           Letter No. - 6       
      Place : Kaithal           Date : 28-08-2015
Subject : Let us feel sympathy for cows 

Dear worthy children of Mother India !

We generally listen, study or say calling about our domestic
or stray caws as Mother or Gaay Maataa. According to our
Vedik Scriptures cow has been worthy for reverence as well
as worshiping as an sacred animal. Since very ancient times
it has been told and preached as one of the most significant
invaluable wealth or treasure if we have its royal possessions
ever with us. It has been also said or mentioned in our holy
books that there is an other world where Lord Krishna lives
with innumerable cows. Naturally, there must not be any sorts
of scarcity of milk, buttermilk and clarified butter to eat and
enjoy the delicious dishes and edible articles ever happily.
Specially in holy Hindu families, it is taught how to worship
and respect cows heartily. Naturally, whoever study this well
in western country or even some novice enthusiastic promising
students in any remote regions of our country for the first time
will be overwhelmed to learn this astounding great teaching in
accordance with our Purnas and other holy books including our
most ancient sacred books, that is to say, our four holy Vedas.

   On the contrary, we know the reality inside our country is really very different whether in our copious villages or the towns as we see later on 
being aware of the real situation here or at every nook and corner in our exalted nation which has its very great and glorious past. Our Rishis who 
were really royal spiritual seekers and unprecedented research scholars 
of our material and spiritual sciences, did their level best to find out and invent a great deal of unknown mysteries of life or varied existences of this World or Universe. Hence, their teaching well about the co-existence and human values were really of great importance. 

        Naturally, we understand that cows are our grand treasure or wealth directly or indirectly like trees, rivers and soils as they provide us many important and valuable things to live our life well and powerfully since 
our childhood to old age and even after death, in the real sense.

    Then question arises why we are involved in so many absurd 
and careless activities to finish our real treasure of human values which are extremely 
good and essential part and parcel for our smoothly and prosperous living 
on this earth.

It has been often seen and realized that we have become so much fool 
and selfish that our motto remain ever for our own benefit by hook or by crook. 
If we see and try to understand the reality about the miserable condition of cows in our country, it will be very difficult to live natural life for sympathetic or empathetic human beings who wish to live in accordance with the great teachings of our scholarly forefathers who were sage and seers of sharp intelligence and extraordinary vision. 

        I have seen in many holy places as we call them pilgrimage and golden godly regions which are situated near this or that 
holy river keeping many shelters or Gaushalas for sustenance for our cows, there are also mostly inhumane behaviour with them is being seen and realized cruel actions frequently treating with our cows that is called here Gaoo Mata.
    The more adverse situation, we can see with stray cows who are not tame 
or domestic anywhere. Pilgrims respect them there in different manner but probably, no one thinks how it can be possible to provide them their food viz. fodder to graze or feeding the even dry straw to stop their hunger and water to quench their thirst for living their proper life.

          Here, in Kaithal ( Hariyana ) when, two days back, I entered this city from Asand city after having been in Karnal city nearly for a fortnight or more,  at nearly a quarter past eight in the dark and on the roads & streets, I got chance to see thousands of stray cows standing or moving here and there in the search of some wastage of food.
       Thereafter, I came to know by a local social worker that this problem is roaring all over India and specially in whole areas of Hariyana state. He told me that they tried their best to get some remedial solutions for the well-being of our sacred animals as our native cows or so but could not get any absolute remedy for this challenging situation.

           We know our country is facing innumerable hindrances and problems which are big challenges to our government as well as a
ll of us collectively 
but I think we do not get proper education about how to respect public properties and human values with mutual good understanding of duty & responsibility with the functional help of our government. 
        If we want World Peace, or the peace and contentment for ourselves, 
we have to take our own initiative collectively with reciprocal feelings of 
our healthy and natural coexistence for all beings with sound preservation 
of our whole environment.

  Let us come together with heart and soul emotionally for the 
good of each 
and everyone. There is no use to say over and over again that 
" Gaay Hamaari Maataa Hai" viz. Cow is our mother.
when we see it roaming about here and there, being excessively hungry and thirsty in crying or silent sorrow everyday and every-night .

Do you have heart to feel and intellectual mind with proper vision to think, 

if yes you can do wonders being engrossed in real great formative actions taking help of our eligible and watchful government with our intelligentsia who really have many effective plans and remedies but mostly they feel themselves in lack of human resources. Hence, let us become collective and united human resources being with them with new gusto of positive passions
for doing something very great creative performance having the true pulse of the nation to make it shining and peaceful place to teach the world again the lesson of Love And Universal Brotherhood For All.

Truly yours 

Gyanendra Singh ( Kavi Gyani Hindustani )
Social Activist, Cyclist and ordinary writer from Uttarakhand

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