Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Courage and the Continuity Of Practice 

Courage for self- improvement is the best courage. Continuity of practice is the secret of success. Hence practice should be our main motto for getting greatest accomplishments in our very this life.It is most important.It is most valuable and precious. It is invaluable.It is key and treasure of human life.It is the most significant word of human life. Therefore, naturally it should be our watch word. We will have to translate words into works for getting success and perfection in our ordinary or special parts of life. Life without aim or destination is no life in the real sense.So let us unite it with some great cause or motto but not with some possessions or persons.Let us connect our cause to courage , enthusiasm and the continuity of higher practice for some great and noble cause.Noblest cause is prettiest rose in human life.Let us make our life noble and global.
       ----------- Gyanendra Singh ( Poet- Gyani Hindustani )

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