Sunday, 27 November 2016

My New Song For Children 
To Inspire & Grow Well
Has Been Published Today
From Jalandhar In A Weekly
Newspaper - Weekend Report
On Third Page !     Title - Kraantipath

Keep Smiling !

Om Shanthi !
Your Kind ideas are invited
 to be shared or so !
Through Facebook : Gyani Hindustani
Or Email :
And three blogs here below:

Mobile No. - 7351117976

Prayer Song Composed By Myself  Below

My First Cycling Expedition  in 2002,  11th May, Picture Below :


          My Letters To My God !

Third letter To God

                                                                            Date : 23-11-2016

My  Adorable Lord !

I am happy to see that your mercy is ever for me here and
everywhere. That's why I see a good sense of confidence in
my heart to feel that I am a worthy son of Almighty who is
the master of whole Universe and the Creator of all things 
and creature on this earth and beyond here. Whatever we
get difficulties and challenges here are just our tests and
simple trials to make us better and perfect. It is said we
enjoy or suffer our fate according to our good Karmas and 
bad actions respectively. So what to question about our gains
or loss because all are the outcome of our own past actions
in for of their straightforward reactions. Hence everything
is wonderfully interlinked. You are really great and grand.
  Today, I got 500 Rs. as a loan from a person but I had to get
only 400 Rs. for it as it was an old 500 Rupee note. I did not
have enough time to deposit it in Bank and then getting back
its full amount. I am happy that now i can reach Punjab and 
participate in ensuing Rafi Night Function. I have ample hope
to get some more money as loan in various persons so that I can
do my work properly. I want  to buy a good dress also to attend
it with good confidence and I know you are boundlessly great &
compassionate. Thank you so much from the bottom of my very ordinary  heart.

Truly Yours
Gyanendra Singh

     Letter No. - 02

                                             Date : 22-11-2016
My Dear God !

Again, I pray with prostration into your most exalted lotus feet 
and also wish to disclose some other significant feelings of my
this simple heart that has been very colourful for a long span of time in my this very life. As you provided me so much internal
power with various innate talents, I also wished to make myself a worthy son of India by making myself like a shining bright star on this resplendent earth. But due to being victim of delusive paws of Maya, I became confused and deviated from the right path as well as being weak in memory and lazy or inactive frequently, I lost my right goal of life. 
   When I was a promising student and came out like a brilliant star after getting my matriculation passed in first division with distinction in Biology (81%) and 72% in English, truly I had so many wonderful hopes in my life to make it colourful with many many extraordinary successes of life. But my fate became really tremendously unfortunate when I saw myself in miserable poor surroundings. Even if It was not so that everything before it was very favourable but thereafter my all work began to deteriorated due to extreme agony of that period of time. My all dreams for getting my education became dark or blank due to utter denial of economic assistance from my familial resources. And you know all about it that what an extent I was sad and hopelessly helpless for making my future bright and useful in accordance with my long cherished desires of this life.
   You know my Lord that I wish to get my education to some very big heights but I never got amply agreeable circumstances in my this life to get my learning properly in ease. My all near and dear ones including relatives and friends became adverse and hurdles with so many obstructions on the path of  my education life. Not only this, my love life also became bad to worse due to my that hard situation of singularly strange life equations. That's why I got so much pain in botheration that I could pass my 10+2 in next
year 6 years. Really this was very painful for me but much more painful of it was my stoppage of getting education after a year in 1993 and it became a very long period of a decade approximately when again I decided to restart my education in 2003 and could to something a very little bit due to having existed so many bad things with financial struggle as fighting alone to survive on this earth to live and feed myself in many difficulties.
   My dear lord ! You know all about it that even today I have been fighting regularly being stand alone with sufficient amount of courage and iron will to win this life war for myself to prove and manifest my all latent talents before the whole world. You know that I had no house for myself and I have to stay at the home of my eldest brother whenever I come here at my native place but really I do not like it to live in such a miserable human life. So, my God, kindly make me able to afford for making my own house shortly so that I can live my life in a dignified manner. My brothers have not given me even an iota of my share after selling one Bigha land in the name of  my old mother. In the real sense, it is not a justice and You are  the lover of justice but here as You know well about it that nobody here is in my favour to give assured to get my share soon so that I can build my small house or so. You know that today I have to ask even only 50 Rs. from an acquainted owner of a Mall or Mart. Of course, it is not good for my self respect or so but I have become very habitual to face such strange situations of life. I know that when I will reach home today, I will not have even only 10 Rs. and today I wish to go for some distant place so that I can reach Punjab till 25 of this month to take part in Rafi Nights programme  on 26, that is the date most probably of late famous singer Mohammad Rafiji. I am happy to get invitation there to participate with singing a song of 
late Shri M. Rafiji. Last year I also got chance to sing there but could not sing due  to proper sufficiency of time to rehearsal but I enjoyed it very much as an audience.
    My Dear Lord !   You are an absolute power of this world and known as Almighty, that is to say, able to do everything possible for everyone, so please do not do delay at this very crucial span of time in my individual life. I make assure that I will make utmost good use of my this wonderfully great human life. Thanks a lot.

Sincerely yours
Gyanendra Singh
( Kavi Gyani Hindustani )
_________________________________                                         Date : 21-11-2016
First Letter

The Creator Of Whole Universe !
( An Individual Epistle 
   To Omnipotent, Omniscient
   And Omnipresent Master
   Of This And All The Worlds 
   From My Inner Voice

Dearest Supreme Power !

  Kindly accept my most humble salutations
with many many prostrations before Your most 
exalted existence. You are truly Omniscient, that
is all knowing, Omnipresent, that is present here
and at every place, Omniscient, that is  to say, You
are having The Most Supreme Power over all to do
everything possible with or without any known or
unknown reason. You are both Father and Mother
for all creatures upon this earth and other planets
or so. I am really deeply overwhelmed now to realize
that in spite of being aware about Your most probable
existence with all our near and dear ones here, since 
our birth or getting a little sense about our coexistence
here, we pay very little attention to know, feel and have
amply regard for Your Kind gratefulness in our hearts.

   Dear Adorable God !  Being very frank and grateful
here, I myself too, feel very unworthy and foolish in the
real sense that I could  not pay sufficient heed or my very
utmost sincere attention in this  regard that I must give 
my fully submissive obligation with my truest attention
to know and pray for His greatest mercy upon me which
He already has provided in my life since ever. 
    Being with other human beings, I also became a victim
of delusion or Maya that is very very powerful and good-
looking and which deviated me blatantly toward wrong
path from the righteous and the real way to go for all of
us to move with doing and being good to make this life
of most utility among all creature. As we all are equipped
with so many wonderful inborn powers, capacities and
extraordinary dormant abilities  on account of  having 
human life on this resplendent planet namely the earth,
we must make its very sincere and attentive use so that
we all may be the cause of your immense happiness and
contentment in the aim of Your making this Creation.
    I  also have been living my life like a very feeble and
stupidly ignorant person being myself very frequently
deviated from the real and righteous path according
to Your Heavenly wish and commandments. And it has
been really by the delusive power of Maya which is ever
full of extremely colourful temptations to make us very
helpless and weak. Still knowing many facts of reality,
very often, we move toward wrong path by being victim
of  our passions that are arrogance, greed, lust, hatred,
anger, jealousy and attachment. Therefore, I also have
been very victim of  my natural passions from time  to 
time and made my life ignoble, miserable and painful.
  Dear Lord, I deeply grateful to You that You never
left me alone to do anything in accordance  with my
own flow of natural passions. You defended me many
many times in such  a situations when I was about to do
something very bad or  wrong. You created adverse
circumstances so that I could not do such misconduct.
That's why I feel myself very clean and innocent with
pure sense of conscience. But I know my all infirmities.
I could make myself with pure inner voice only due to
your compassion and merciful protection forever for
me at all time and in all sort of surroundings of my this
present or past life.
  My Adorable God, I am intensely grateful to You for
providing me so many talents with truly immense and
highly innate abilities to do my work with proficiency
and sense of big confidence. Although I had  to face so
may hurdles and hardships to hone well my all talents,
still I know you gave this constant penury due  to some
crucial reason in my life so that I can understand my
life well with the reality of this world through knowing
by real nature of all types  of people whether they are
friends or foes in my this present human life. I know 
that so may great person has made their lives great and
glorious in the situation of utmost poverty. That's why
I mostly accepted, respected and contented all of my
big helplessness in boundless circumstances in my past 
and present life with constantly poverty and so on.

Even today, as you know everything, there is no any
Bank Account on this earth today from which I can
withdraw even 100 Rs. only and the all money in my 
hand or pocket, for the time being, is also even less 
than 100 Rs. only. At present, in my current local
Saving Bank Account, there is only 57 Rs. in all and
such a situation is not only first time but many many
times, I had to face such challenges in my past life but
I cannot say that all of  that I faced with quite a big
patience and righteousness. 

I accept that many a time, I had to face them in utmost miserable and helplessness mentality or losing 
temperament but now I feel that You have showered the blessing in my mind that I feel myself very strong to face 
even such a hard situation. I am now deeply indebted by 
having borrow some loan all about nearly 2000 Rs. or so 
from some of my friends or well known acquaintances 
and this is also not making me feel bad or heart rending situation because You have given me so many rays of 
hopes and sense of  confidence that I feel in my heart that 
soon I will repay all my loans to all of these persons in my favour. 

  Not only this, I soonwish to become wealthy person by 
this or that mode of some rightfully noble works. I believe
 You are the most merciful, so you will remove my penury circumstances soon from my this present life situations.

To Be Continued..........

A Letter To God,
Date : 21-11-2016

The Creator Of Whole Universe !
( An Individual Epistle
To Omnipotent, Omniscient
And Omnipresent Master
Of This And All The Worlds
From My Inner Voice

Dearest Supreme Power !

Kindly accept my most humble salutations
with many many prostrations before Your most
exalted existence. You are truly Omniscient, that
is all knowing, Omnipresent, that is present here
and at every place, Omniscient, that is to say, You
are having The Most Supreme Power over all to do
everything possible with or without any known or
unknown reason. You are both Father and Mother
for all creatures upon this earth and other planets
or so. I am really deeply overwhelmed now to realize
that in spite of being aware about Your most probable
existence with all our near and dear ones here, since
our birth or getting a little sense about our coexistence
here, we pay very little attention to know, feel and have
amply regard for Your Kind gratefulness in our hearts.

Dear Adorable God ! Being very frank and grateful
here, I myself too, feel very unworthy and foolish in the
real sense that I could not pay sufficient heed or my very
utmost sincere attention in this regard that I must give
my fully submissive obligation with my truest attention
to know and pray for His greatest mercy upon me which
He already has provided in my life since ever.
Being with other human beings, I also became a victim
of delusion or Maya that is very very powerful and good-
looking and which deviated me blatantly toward wrong
path from the righteous and the real way to go for all of
us to move with doing and being good to make this life
of most utility among all creature. As we all are equipped
with so many wonderful inborn powers, capacities and
extraordinary dormant abilities on account of having
human life on this resplendent planet namely the earth,
we must make its very sincere and attentive use so that
we all may be the cause of your immense happiness and
contentment in the aim of Your making this Creation.
I also have been living my life like a very feeble and
stupidly ignorant person being myself very frequently
deviated from the real and righteous path according
to Your Heavenly wish and commandments. And it has
been really by the delusive power of Maya which is ever
full of extremely colourful temptations to make us very
helpless and weak. Still knowing many facts of reality,
very often, we move toward wrong path by being victim
of our passions that are arrogance, greed, lust, hatred,
anger, jealousy and attachment. Therefore, I also have
been very victim of my natural passions from time to
time and made my life ignoble, miserable and painful.
Dear Lord, I deeply grateful to You that You never
left me alone to do anything in accordance with my
own flow of natural passions. You defended me many
many times in such a situations when I was about to do
something very bad or wrong. You created adverse
circumstances so that I could not do such misconduct.
That's why I feel myself very clean and innocent with
pure sense of conscience. But I know my all infirmities.
I could make myself with pure inner voice only due to
your compassion and merciful protection forever for
me at all time and in all sort of surroundings of my this
present or past life.
My Adorable God, I am intensely grateful to You for
providing me so many talents with truly immense and
highly innate abilities to do my work with proficiency
and sense of big confidence. Although I had to face so
may hurdles and hardships to hone well my all talents,
still I know you gave this constant penury due to some
crucial reason in my life so that I can understand my
life well with the reality of this world through knowing
by real nature of all types of people whether they are
friends or foes in my this present human life. I know
that so may great person has made their lives great and
glorious in the situation of utmost poverty. That's why
I mostly accepted, respected and contented all of my
big helplessness in boundless circumstances in my past
and present life with constantly poverty and so on.
Even today, as you know everything, there is no any
Bank Account on this earth today from which I can
withdraw even 100 Rs. only and the all money in my
hand or pocket, for the time being, is also even less
than 100 Rs. only. At present, in my current local
Saving Bank Account, there is only 57 Rs. in all and
such a situation is not only first time but many many
times, I had to face such challenges in my past life but
I cannot say that all of that I faced with quite a big
patience and righteousness. I accept that many a time
I had to face them in utmost miserable and helplessness
mentality or losing temperament but now I feel that You
have showered the blessing in my mind that I feel myself
very strong to face even such a hard situation. I am now
deeply indebted by having borrow some loan all about
nearly 2000 Rs. or so from some of my friends or well
known acquaintances and this is also not making me feel
bad or heart rending situation because You have given
me so many rays of hopes and sense of confidence that
I feel in my heart that soon I will repay all my loans to
all of these persons in my favour. Not only this, I soon
wish to become wealthy person by this or that mode of
some rightfully noble works. I believe You are the most
merciful, so you will remove my penury circumstances
soon from my this present life situations. My brothers
have sold our one Bigha important land to a person in
690000 Rs. only by persuading my old mother and due
to their greed and artfulness, they have not give me any
share for myself but for some assurance only. I know that
You know all about it and my innocence as well as my
feelings and big efforts for not selling this vital land that
was purchased by the hard earned money of our late
father but what to do. So far, I have been very poor and
helpless so kindly provide me now solidarity of very good
temperament to face all situations and win all these present
fighting or worldly war of my personal life. I wish to come
out being a victor and victorious in all ups and downs of my
life equations.
My God, kindly assist me for my noble cause to make my
life goodly useful for me, my nation and whole humanity.

Yours truly being worthy son
Gyanendra Singh
( Kavi Gyani Hindustani )

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