Monday, 30 June 2014

Today, I am in Delhi, the capital of India. 
I reached here on 28th of this month. It has
been a unique experience here meeting with
famous and other prospective promising writers
so many of them related to noted and national press of our country named Delhi Press  which has been  publishing many Hindi and English Magazines as
Chandamama, Chanpak, Satya Katha, Manohar Kahaaniyan, Saras Salil and so on. 
 I came here to attend a workshop programme as titled A Workshop For Story Writing.
Really it has been great experience in joining that.

Monday, 23 June 2014

Let us act together collectively
for World Peace and Crime Control,
Safety for Women and haplessly helpless children
as well as Protection of Environment,

                   TO INHALE AND EXHALE

      For all human beings and from tame to wild animals.
Let us Think And Move To Act for doing something 

significant and formatively meaningful.

Kindly study my thoughts and efforts at :

Main Points to Take Action :

Global Peace, Environment Protection,
Crime Control, Women Protection, Human Trafficking
National Unity, Communal Harmony,
Religious Tolerance, Universal Brotherhood

Please send your ideas, suggestions, guidelines, good positive wishes and blessings.

To my email -

or facebook id – Gyani Hindustani

Sincerely yours

Gyanendra Singh    ( Mobile : 08096295431, 08151826332 )

 ( Poetic name – Kavi or poet – Gyani Hindustani )
An Artist, Poet, Writer, Spiritual Seeker, Yoga Teacher,
Devotional Singer , Social Activist And So On
Founder And President : Shri Bitoo Rajneesh Memorial
                                   – Global Peace And Mankind Mission

Saturday, 21 June 2014

     Let us act together collectively
        for World Peace and Crime Control,
                 Safety for Women and haplessly helpless children 
            as well as Protection of Environment, 
                           TO LIVE HERE ON THIS EARTH
          TO INHALE  AND EXHALE   
              to all human beings and from tame to wild animals.
 Let us Think And Move To Act for doing something significant and formatively meaningful.
Kindly study my thoughts and efforts at : 
               Main Points to Take Action :

                         Global Peace, Environment Protection, 
                     Crime Control, Women Protection,
                      National Unity, Communal Harmony,
                      Religious Tolerance, Universal Brotherhood
 Please send your ideas, suggestions, guidelines, good positive wishes and blessings.

  To my email - 

 or facebook  id – Gyani Hindustani

   Sincerely yours
    Gyanendra Singh ( Poetic name – Kavi or poet – Gyani Hindustani )
    An Artist, Poet, Writer, Spiritual Seeker, Yoga Teacher, 
  Devotional Singer , Social Activist And So On
Founder And President :    Shri Bitoo Rajneesh  Memorial
     Mobile : 08096295431      – Global Peace And Mankind Mission

 Same again .........

Let us take action together collectively   for  
World Peace and Crime Control,
Safety for Women and haplessly helpless children 
                  as well as Protection of Environment, 

      For all human beings and from tame to wild animals.
Let us Think And Move To Act for doing something 
significant and formatively meaningful.

Kindly study my thoughts and efforts at
  Main Points to Take Action :
Global Peace, Environment Protection, 
Crime Control, Women Protection, Human Trafficking 
National Unity, Communal Harmony,
Religious Tolerance, Universal Brotherhood
 Please send your ideas, suggestions, guidelines, good positive wishes and blessings.   Email  :  ,   or facebook id – Gyani Hindustani
Sincerely yours
Gyanendra Singh    ( Mobile : 08096295431,  08151826332 )
 ( Poetic name – Kavi or poet – Gyani Hindustani ) 
An Artist, Poet, Writer, Spiritual Seeker, Yoga Teacher, Devotional Singer , Social Activist And So On
Founder And President : Shri Bitoo Rajneesh Memorial
                        – Global Peace And Mankind Mission

Thursday, 19 June 2014

My message  for 
          with the theme, PEACE AND SERVICE 

Dear Sir,
              I am intensely happy after having learnt that SBRR Mahjana First Grade College is hosting two days INTERNATIONAL PEACE CONFERENCE - VII with the theme, PEACE AND SERVICE on 6th and 9th August 2014 respectively.
   I hope that students and all other participants will
get many inspiration and essential encouragement as a sense of duty and responsibility for making their respective lives meaningful with bright successes through the light of knowledge and experiences of
all great thinkers, scholars and orators in this glorious seminar titled as INTERNATIONAL PEACE CONFERENCE - VII with the theme, PEACE AND SERVICE 
  I remember that I attended the same conference last year in your college when I was in your city 
during my fifth Cycling Expedition   and now after finishing that my mission about  Peace against
crime from Rameshwaram to Mumbai which was finished from 29-04-2013 to 14-04-2014 after having
covered the distance more than 7450 Km , I have crossed on cycle beyond 22,220 Km in my last five
CYCLING EXPEDITIONS so far from 2002 for mass awakening in the country regarding various good
and noble causes while paddling on bicycle. I am immensely happy after having encouragement  in
all four states of south India and Maharastra in the light of having many many opportunity for delivering lectures in many schools, colleges and universities about my particular cause of Peace Against Crime . During that span of time, I got chance for 83 lecture as a whole, specially for the good of the students of Varsities and Schools for making them responsible citizens of the world.
      I am deeply grateful for having boundless inspiration from the students and staff of your noted college.
You too, appreciated my efforts for Global Peace And Against Crime so much that I can never forget the reaction of your kind response as you provided me 
one thousand rupees for my good and social cause immediately but for any asking from my side for that. 
Not only this , you also organised a special talk for me
particularly on Cycling For Peace -March Against Crime  as providing me specific chance to express my views for the favor of my encouragement and essential inspirations for me as well as innumerable students of your well known college while making me chief guest there in the grand auditorium of your college.When I was
in Mumabi during my fifth Cycling Journey , I remind myself again, you sent me three thousand rupees in my
utmost need from your own pocket. It has been the maximum monetary help by any individual in my life so far for helping me for the sake of my social activities.
Really , I can never thank and repay for it throughout my
whole life.
   Having got such a grand and dignified inspiration, 
I wish to disclose the fact of my next CYCLING EXPEDITION FOR PEACE AND HUMANITY will be started from Mumabi ( Maharastra ) to Jaggannathpuri 
( Odisha ) via Nagapur and Raipur. By the grace of God, 
I wish to start it on 14th November, The Children's day.
   I hope you will again like and appreciate my next action or effort for society or mankind. Now as your college has been
reopened, for the next favour in my need for next social activities in this present period, being again encouraged and 
bold, I expect and wish to ask your all students for a sum of
kind collection at least twenty rupees each (20 Rs. per student)
which will make me more indebted and grateful of your college
and Mother India to do my work from the bottom of my heart.
I hope my latest poem will also infuse necessary good feelings and broad open outlook for your all intelligent students to be good and do good for making our life meaningful for mankind.
May God bless you,each and all.
Yours truly
Gyanendra Singh ( Poet- Gyani Hindustani )
Social Activist and Cyclist from Uttarakhand

Cycling For Peace
Dear friends,   I hope , I will be provided the best direction and blessings with proper courage , cooperation and useful guidelines to act for my social missi...
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Facebook: Gyani Hindustani

Dear friends,
  I hope , I will be provided the best direction and
blessings with proper courage , cooperation and useful
guidelines to act for my social mission with my absolute
 firm determination from all directions. I believe you will
appreciate my past social activities or simple efforts for the
good of humanity and the world since 2002, specifically which I tried to do my level best by the means of my last
five Cycling Expeditions in many states of India.
Hopefully, as you know, in my last or 5th Cycling Expedition
from Rameshwaram ( Tamil Nadu ) to Mumbai ( Maharastra )
from 29/04/2013 to 14/04/2014 , I covered the distance of
more than 7445 Km on cycle/bicycle for peace and against crime within four southern states and Maharastra.
Hence , I have covered beyond 22,220 Km (7445+14775) in
my all five cycling expeditions for creating awareness on various noble causes in accordance with the crucial need of the hour or the contemporary time.

I wish to restart my next, that is to say, sixth cycling expedition from Mumbai to Jagannathpuri ( Odisha )
in November  or December this year, by the encouraging
power and good wishes of my near and dear ones as well as 
His providence, the Almighty God.

Before the arrival of that ripe moment , I wish to do my
social work regionally here and there according to my wish
and projected mission as I have bethought for a long time.
So here I need your expected direction and cooperative help
whatever you can do conveniently for the sure success in my
mission to do something very meaningful for the good of the
country and the world universally with the sense of Peace,
Fraternity or Brotherhood, Protection and Safety for Women, Haplessly helpless people and our most important factor of
our natural life the environment. 
 I am a positive thinker. Therefore I hope , I will obtain your
kind guidance and cooperation according to your might and main whether there is biting cold , scorching hot or very very heavily rain.
So, kindly send your response or positive reply.
Kindly guide me how we can send to needy their supply.
Kindly study intently below about my mission as I have mentioned about it in black and white.
Yours sincerely
Gyanendra Singh ( Kavi or poet - Gyani Hindustani )

5:37:56 PM IST
Last Updated : 22 Jun 2014 05:43:08 PM IST

पांच सगे भाइयों ने की युवती से छेड़छाड़, पीड़ित की बहन ने की खुदकुशी

पांच सगे भाइयों ने की युवती से छेड़छाड़, पीड़ित की बहन ने की खुदकुशी
आत्महत्या (फाइल)
इटावा में बड़ी बहन के साथ हुए छेड़छाड़ और पुलिस कार्रवाई न होने से आहत पीड़ित युवती की छोटी बहन ने जहरीला पदार्थ खाकर खुदकुशी कर ली.
उत्तर प्रदेश में इटावा जिले के लवेडी थाना क्षेत्र में पिछले दिनों एक युवती के साथ कथित रूप से छेड़छाड़ के मामले में दोषियों के खिलाफ पुलिस द्वारा कोई कार्रवाई नहीं किये जाने से क्षुब्ध युवती की 15 साल की छोटी बहन ने शुक्रवार की रात आत्महत्या कर ली. इसके बाद शनिवार की रात इस मामले में छह लोगों को गिरफ्तार कर लिया गया है.
भरथना के पुलिस क्षेत्राधिकारी अनिल कुमार यादव ने रविवार को बताया कि लवेडी थानाक्षेत्र में 11 जून को खेत में काम कर रही 20 साल की एक युवती के साथ पांच भाइयों सहित छह लोगों ने छेड़छाड़ की थी.
छेड़छाड़ की शिकार युवती के परिजनों का आरोप है कि उसके पिता ने जब इस मामले में पुलिस थाने को शिकायत की  तो दोषियों के खिलाफ कार्रवाई करने के बजाय परिवार पर समझौते के लिए दबाव डाला जा रहा था और वरिष्ठ पुलिस अधिकारी ने भी उनकी गुहार नहीं सुनी.
यादव ने बताया कि छेड़छाड़ की शिकार युवती की छोटी बहन और दसवीं कक्षा की छात्रा ने शुक्र वार की रात जहरीला पदार्थ खाकर आत्महत्या कर ली.
उन्होंने बताया कि इस मामले में मुकदमा दर्ज कर आत्महत्या करने वाली लड़की की बड़ी बहन के साथ कथित रूप से छेड़छाड़ करने के आरोप में छह लोगों-- चरनसिंह, सत्यप्रकाश, परशुराम, लालता, नेहाल और हरिसिंह को गिरफ्तार कर लिया गया है, जिनमें से पहले पांच सगे भाई हैं.

हरिद्वार में जिस्मफरोशी का भंडाफोड़, सात गिरफ्तार
Sex racket busted (file photo)
उत्तराखंड के हरिद्वार में एंटी ह्यूमन ट्रैफिकिंग टीम ने कनखल थाना क्षेत्र में एक मकान में छापेमारी कर जिस्मफरोशी का भंडाफोड़ किया.
टीम ने संचालिका, चार युवकों, एक युवती व किशोरी को धर दबोचा. पुलिस ने मुकदमा दर्जकर कार्रवाई शुरू कर दी है.
सीओ सिटी चंद्रमोहन सिंह नेगी के नेतृत्व में एंटी ह्यूमन ट्रैफिकिंग प्रभारी विजय चंद गुसाई ने अपनी टीम के साथ कनखल थाना अंतर्गत जगजीतपुर स्थित राजविहार कालोनी फेस-1 के एक मकान में छापेमारी कर चार युवकों को एक किशोरी व युवती के साथ आपत्तिजनक स्थिति में दबोच लिया.
जिस्मफरोशी का धंधा चलाने वाली संचालिका को पकड़कर पुलिस पूछताछ कर रही है. पकड़ी गयी एक युवती सहारनपुर उत्तर प्रदेश की रहने वाली जबकि किशोरी मूल रूप से नेपाल की रहने वाली है. किशोरी कुछ दिन पहले ही संचालिका के पास पहुंची थी. किशोरी को संचालिका देहरादून से एक सप्ताह के लिए 25 हजार रपए देकर लायी थी.
सीओ सिटी ने बताया कि पकड़े गए युवकों में निलेश कुमार पुत्र राधेश्याम निवासी ग्राम मखना चंदनगरी संभल मुरादाबाद उत्तर प्रदेश, अफजाल पुत्र फुरकान, मेहवान पुत्र अकील निवासीगण गाडोवाली पथरी व सचिन पुत्र स्व. सोमप्रकाश निवासी पंजनहेड़ी कनखल के रहने वाले हैं.
संचालिका ही उस मकान की मालकिन है. पुलिस को बहुत पहले से इस मकान में जिस्मफरोशी के धंधे के संचालित होने की शिकायत मिल रही थी. पुलिस ने जब इस मकान की तलाशी ली तो ग्राहकों से कमाकर रखे गए 90 हजार रपए के अलावा शराब की बोतल व अन्य आपत्तिजनक सामान मिला। संचालिका का पति कपड़े बेचने का काम करता है.
मालूम हो कि रानीपुर कोतवाली क्षेत्र में पिछले साल दिल्ली से लाकर उड़ीसा मूल की युवती को झोपड़ी में बंधक बनाकर जिस्मफरोशी का धंधा कराया जा रहा था. युवती किसी तरह झोपड़ी से अपने को मुक्त कराने में सफल रही. वहां से छूटने पर दो युवक उसे जबरन अपने साथ कार में डालकर दोबारा झोपड़ी में ले गए.
एक युवक ने मोटरसाइकिल से पीछा कर पूरे मामले की जानकारी पुलिस को दी. रानीपुर कोतवाली प्रभारी महेंद्र सिंह नेगी ने पहुंचकर झोपड़ी से युवती को मुक्त कराया.
पूछताछ में पूरा मामला एंटी ह्यूमन ट्रैफिकिंग का निकला. इस मामले में करीब नौ लोगों की गिरफ्तारी की गयी थी. इसी तरह नगर कोतवाली में दिल्ली से लायी बिहार की युवती की खरीद-फरोख्त कर धंधा कराया जा रहा था. आठ लोगों की गिरफ्तारी की गई थी.

Crime News in published in Hindi daily Newspapers 
From Rastriya  Sahara/ Sahara Samay, Dehradun