Be Happy !
Saturday, 28 February 2015
Friday, 27 February 2015
vEik;j ¼The Fifth Umpire½ Hkkx & ,d
fnukad % 5 Qjojh] 2011
fQfDlax dk Hkwr nwj gS] vks Vhe bf.M;k!
rq>s ;g oYMZ di thruk t:j gSA
Hkkjr o’kZ dh “kkunkj
mRiknd Hkwfe esa fdzdsV dh mUur Qly mitrh gSA ;gka ds fo”ks’k Hkkjrh; fdlku
lEiw.kZ Hkkjrh; Hkw&e.My ij o’kZ Hkj fdzdsV dh [ksrh cM+s gh “kku ls djrs
gSaA oSls Jhyadk] ikfdLrku rFkk caxykns”k lfgr lkjs Hkkjrh; miegk}hi ij ges”kk
iwjs lky fdzdsV dh lnkcgkj Qly csgrjhu <ax ls ygygkrh jgrh gSA ;gka dh
fdzdsV ds vuqdwy Js’B moZjk Hkwfe esa lquhy xkoLdj] fnyhi osaxljdj] lfpu
rsanqydj] vthr vxjdj] Jh dkUr] dfiy nso] eksfgUnj vejukFk] jfo “kkL=h]
vtg:n~nhu] jkgqy nzfoM] xkaxqyh] lgokx] /kksuh] dqEcys bR;kfn Hkkjr esa rFkk
vtqZu jkukrqaxk] vjfoUn fMflYok] t;lw;kZ] jks”ku egkukek ,oa bejku [kku] vCckl]
guhQ] olhe vdje rFkk lksgsc v[rj tSls lSdM+ksa flrkjksa us dze”k% Jhyadk ,oa
ikfdLrku esa tUe ysdj le;≤ ij vius vrqyuh; izn”kZu ls Loa; dks egkuk;d
ds :Ik esa izfrLFkkfir djds lkjs fdzdsV ds lalkj esa lEiw.kZ ,f”k;k dk uke
jks”ku djrs gq, viuh Hkkjrh; miegk}hi dh mitkÅ Hkwfe dks xkSjokfUor fd;k gSA
orZeku le; esa Hkkjrh; okrkoj.k ds fOk”kky miegk}hi ij [ksy txr
ds fo”ks’k ifjfLFkfrd ifjos”k esa ^^fdzdsV oYMZ di&2011** ds “kh?kz
“kqHkkjEHk gksus ds dkj.k ;gka gj txg cl fdzdsV ds cgqvk;keh [ksy dks lefiZr vn~Hkqr
rFkk fofp= “khry c;kj cgqrk;r esa cg jgh gSA izR;sd fdzdsV izseh ;k bl [ksy txr
ls tqM+k O;fDr bl vkdfLed ifjfLFkfr ds vko”;d mRrj nkf;Ro dks fuHkkus ds fy,
deZBrk iwoZd n`<+ ladYi ds lkFk vxzlj izrhr gksrk gSA
eSus Hkh vkt ls yxHkx 20&25 o’kZ iwoZ Hkkjrh; fdzdsV Vhe dk
lnL; cuus dk liuk vius fny] fnekx vkSj eu esa HkO;rk ls latks;k Fkk] fdUrq
rRdkyhu foMEcukiw.kZ fo’ke ifjfLFkfr ds dkj.k ml egRokdka{kkiw.kZ lqugjs Hkfo’;
ds lius dk ifjR;kx yxHkx Bhd mlh izdkj djuk iM+k tSls nSfud iatkc dSljh ds eq[;
lEiknd Jh vf”ouh dqekj th dks vius Hkkjrh; fdzdsV Vhe dh vksj ls [ksyus dh pkg
vFkkZr~ lius dk ifjR;kx djuk iM+k FkkA fdUrq tc ,d [ksy izseh vius fdlh Hkh
fiz; [ksy dk fojkV vk;kstu vius vklikl ds okrkoj.k esa vuqHko djrk gS rks mlds
Hkh vUreZu esa fQj ^^dqN&dqN** lk xfr”khy gksus yxrk gSA ,d Hkkjrh; gksus
ds dkj.k Hkkjrh; Vhe }kjk bl oYMZ di dks thrus ds fy, izR;sd f[kykM+h dks
izksRlkfgr djrs gq, “kqHkdkeuk,sa Hkstuk ge lHkh Hkkjrh;ksa dk ije dÙkZO; gSA
esjs eu esa bl fn”kk esa dqN ldkjkRed ,oa lkgfld iz;kl djus dh pkg gSA bl
LosfPNd ,oa fnO; izsj.kk;qDr pkg ds vuqlkj eSaa vkxkeh 2 ekpZ dks egkf”kojkf=
ds “kqHkvolj ij vius “kgj dk”khiqj ds eksVs”oj egknso efUnj ls dk”khiqj LVsfM;e
gksrs gq, ,d yEch lkbZfdy ;k=k ij gfj}kj] _f’kds”k] nsgjknwu] esjB vkfn “kgjksa
ls xqtjrs gq, fnYyh igqapdj ogka ls okil vius “kgj dk”khiqj vkdj ;k=k dks lEiUu
djuk pkgrk gwaA viuh bl mn~ns”;iw.kZ lkbZfdy ;k=k dh lgt lQyrk ,oa Hkkjrh; Vhe
}kjk bl fdzdsV oYMZ di&2011 esa mÙkjksÙkj fo”kky vUrj ls fujUrj lQyrk;sa
vFkkZr fot; vftZr djrs gq,] vUrr% bl fdzdsV oYMZ di dks thrus gsrq] izR;sd
f[kykM+h dks mlds O;fDrxr xq.kksa ,oa lqIr fo”ks’krkvksa dks tkxzr djus gsrq
ijeko”;d izksRlkgu ,oa “kqHkdkeukvksa ls ifjiw.kZ] eSaus ,d ^^izksRlkgu xhr**
dh jpuk Hkh dh gSA
vEik;j ¼The Fifth Umpire½ Hkkx & nks
fnukad % 5 Qjojh] 2011
fQfDlax dk Hkwr nwj
vius UkSuhrky {ks= ds
lkaln Jh ds0lh0 flag ^^ckck** dks ijlks “kke tc eSaus vius eksckby Qksu ds
ek/;e ls Hkkjrh; fdzdsV Vhe] ns”k rFkk fdzdsV izsfe;ksa dks lefiZr Lofyf[kr
^^izksRlkgu xhr** rFkk vius thou dh ;g nwljh LosfPNd izsj.kk ls izLrkfor ,oa
vfHkdfYir lkgfld yEch lkbZfdy ;k=k ds ckjs esa voxr djkuk pkgk] rks ;g tkudj
nq%[kn vk”p;Z gqvk fd xr o’kkZs ls fdzdsV] W.W.F. rFkk vU; O;olkf;d
[ksyksa esa fQfDlax ds Hkwr ds vkard ds ckjs esa tkudj mudk [ksyfiz; ân;
vR;f/kd O;fFkr gqvk gSA mUgksus crk;k fd og vc fQfDlax ds dkj.k O;olkf;d fdzdsV
ugh ns[krs vkSj O;olkf;d [ksyksa esa bl dkj.k vc mudh dksbZ :fp ugh jgh gSA og
fdzdsV esa vc dsoy j.kth VªkWQh ds eSap gh ns[krs gSA vRk% mUgs oYMZ di ds ckjs
esa dksbZ tkudkjh ugh FkhA muds bl dFku dks lqudj vius LokHkkfod HkkoukRed
tks”k dks ekuksa lkai lwa?k x;kA vius fu;fer vH;kl] esgur ,oa iz;kl ds ne ij
osV fyf¶Vax esa Hkkjr ds fy, fons”k ls esMYk thrdj ykus okys bl HkwriwoZ f[kykM+h
,oa orZeku lkaln ds ân; ls bl izdkj ds mn~xkj dk fudyuk [ksyksa esa vk;s
O;olkf;d Hkz’Vkpkj vkSj fQfDlax ds Hkwr dk fuyZTt vfrdze.k gksus ds dkj.k]
okLro esa] LokHkkfod FkkA fdUrq vf/kdka”k nksf’k;ksa dks feyh dM+h ltk ,oa
nqfu;k Hkj ds fdzdsV izsfe;ksa dh fuank dk f”kdkj gksus ds dkj.k vc ge
vk”kkfUor gks ldrs gS fd Hkfo’; esa dksbZ Hkh f[kykM+h HkkSfrdoknh yksHkh
n`f’Vdks.k viukdj viuk rFkk vius ns”k dk uke cnuke djus dk lkgl dHkh u dj
ldsxkA bl rF; dks /;ku j[kdj eSaus Lojfpr bl izksRlkgu xfr esa dqN vkSj
iafDr;ka vUr dh dqN fo”ks’k iafDr;ksa ls iwoZ tksM+h gS] tks bl izdkj gS %&
vc fQfDlax dk Hkwr nwj gS vfHkeku mldk pwj gS] gkyr gqbZ [kLrk
mldh] vc ejus dks etcwj gSA vc ugh og ex:j gS] lc ?ke.M mldk pwj gS] lPpkbZ ls
og nwj gS] ;gh mldk dlwj gSA og ,d [kV~Bk vaxwj gS] yksHkh ds fy;s gwj gS]
yQaxksa esa e”kgwj gS] tSls fd dqRrk dzwj gSA vc mldk vUr ugh nwj gS] D;ksafd
og dqRrk dzwj gS] gka ;g fQfDlax dk Hkwr nwj gS vkSj ejus dks etcwj gSA vc chrh
ckr fclkj ns] D;ksafd gj jkr ds ckn izHkkr gksuh gS] vc vk;h lqcg lyksuh gS] ;g
thr viuh gksuh gSA vc thr viuh gksuh gS] dIrku viuh /kksuh gS] vc fny esa tks
latksuh gS] og ckr lp esa gksuh gSA
bl ^^izksRlkgu xhr** esa Vhe bf.M;k ds yxHkx lHkh f[kykfM+;ksa
dks lEcksf/kr djrs gq, izksRlkfgr fd;k x;k gSA dsjy ,Dlizsl ds uke ls fo[;kr
Hkkjrh; rst xasnckt Jh lar ds izoh.k dqekj ds vufQV gksus ij pqu fy;s tkus ij
vR;kf/kd g’kZ gqvk] D;ksafd mlus Lo;a Vhe bf.M;k ds fy, xkuk cukdj vkSj Lo;a
xkdj fn[kk;kA Vhe bf.M;k dks thrus ds fy, xkuk fy[kdj izsfjr djus okys bl f[kykM+h
dk Lo;a Hkh Vhe bf.M;k dk ,d lnL; gksuk Lo;a esa ,d [kq”kh ,oa xoZ dh ckr gSA
Jh lUr ds fy;s esjh dqN iafDr;ka mDr izdkj gSa %&
yks vc vk;k Jh lUr gS] ugh ckr eu&x<+Ur gSA Jh lUr Hkh
cycUr gS] tks “k=q&fot; dk vUr gSA muds fy;s og gUr gS] ekuks fd tkeoUr gSA
tSls fd tkeoUr gS ;k fQj og guqeUr gS] Jh lUr rw iq:’kkFkZ dj] rq>s nq”eu dh
uhan [kksuh gSA vc thr viuh gksuh gS] dIrku viuk /kksuh gS] geus eu esa tks
latksuh gS] og ckr lp esa gksuh gSA vc thr viuh gksuh gSA
vEik;j ¼The Fifth Umpire½ Hkkx & rhu
fnukad % 5 Qjojh] 2011
izksRlkgu xhr %& vc thr viuh gksuh gS]
viuh gh thr gksuh gSA
thr viuh gksuh gS] vc viuh thr gksuh gSAA
viuk /kksuh gS-------------------------
ns”k izse dh Hkkouk dks
tkxzr djus gsrq dfo;ksa] fopkjdksa ;k lkfgR;kdkjks }kjk vius izklafxd izcy
fopkjksa ds ek/;e ls leqfpr dforkvksa] vFkok xhrksa] dFkuksa ,oa vU; jpukvksa
dk izHkko”kkyh fuekZ.k yksxksa ds eu esa ubZ tku Mky nsrk gSA blls ;qokvksa dks
fn”kk rFkk [kq”kh feyrh gSA fof”k’V ,oa vHkh’V dk;Z esa tqVs O;fDr;ksa dks lE;d
ekxZn”kZu rFkk uoLQwfrZ ds lkFk tks”k] mRlkg] ,dkxzrk] vkxs c<+us dh mRdaBk]
vkRe fo”okl rFkk fuMjrk ds lkFk vFkkg “kfDr Hkh feyrh gSA bl izdkj lkfgR;d
jpukRed izksRlkgu vR;Ur mi;ksxh ,oa izHkkodkjh Hkh gksrk gSA vr,o mDr rF; dks
vUrn`Zf’V esa vUrfuZfgr j[krs gq, LosPNk ,oa bZ”ojh; izsj.kk ls eSaus vius
ns”k] Hkkjrh; fdzdsV Vhe rFkk lHkh [ksy izsfe;ksa dks lefiZr bl ^^izksRlkgu
xhr** dks fy[kus dk lgt iz;kl fd;k gSA eq>s fo”okl gS fd bl xhr ls yksxksa
dks tks”k] tkxzfr rFkk vdLekr [kq”kh izkIr gksxhA cgqr lh iafDr;ka yksxksa ds
ân;ksa dks Nw ysaxhA bl xhr esa eSus lfpu] lgokx] /kksuh] xEHkhj] ;qojkt] tghj]
ih;q’k pkoyk] gjHktu] ;qlqQ iBku] equkQ iVsy] “kqjs”k jSuk] fojkV dksgyh ,oa Jh
lUr lfgr yxHkx lHkh fo”o&di Vhe esa “kkfey f[kykfM+;ksa dks muds fo”ks’k
xq.kksa dh ;kn fnykrs gq, leqfpr :Ik ls izksRlkgu rFkk mUgs muds fof”k’V dÙkZO;
cks/k dk LEkj.k fnykus dk LOkkHkkfod iz;kl fd;k gSA fdzdsV ds ;qx lezkV lfpu
rsanqydj ds fy, esjs }kjk jfpr dqN iafDr;ka bl izdkj gS %&
fdzdsV dk tks Hkxoku gS] og lp esa lfpu egku gS] Hkkjr dh rks og tku gS] vkSj vku eku “kku gSA py
pkSds&NDdksa dh cjlkr dj] lfpu! gok ls ckr djA
/kksuh ds fy, dqN
iafDr;ka bl izdkj gSa %&
/kksuh tks /kqu dk iDdk gS] jksVh esa tSls eDdk gS] izfr}Unh
gDdk&cDdk gS] ekjk ;s fdlus /kDdk gSA ekjk ;s fdlus eqDdk gSA
vkSj fojsUnz lgokx ds
fy, dqN iafDr;ka mDr izdkj gSa %&
Hkkjr dk tks lgokx gS] xsancktksa ds fy, vkx gSA fQYMlZ esa eph
[kycyh gj vksj Hkkxe&Hkkx gSA tSls tgjhyk ukx gS] ;k fQj Hk;adj vkx gSA
Hkkjrh; fdzdsV Vhe ds
rhuks vkWiulZ fQVusl dh lEkL;k ls tq>s gSa rFkk fQj ls fQVusl ijh{k.k esa
lQy gksdj Vhe esa izos”k izkIr dj pqds gSaA muds fy, dqN iafDr;ka bl izdkj
fy[kh xbZ gSa %&
vkWiulZ vius cyohj gSa] tks lgokx] lfpu vkSj xkSre xEHkhj gSaA
j.kohj gSa] egkohj gSa vkSj nq”eu ds fny ds phj gSA vkdzed gSa] ij eu ds /khj
gSa] nq”eu ds vkxs rhj gaS] muds fQVusl ik;s “kjhj gSa] Hkkjr dh os rdnhj gaSA
lkxj esa tc rd uhj gS] lfpu fdzdsV dk ihj gSA
vEik;j ¼The Fifth Umpire½ Hkkx & pkj
fnukad % 12&2&2011
;g thr viuh gksuh gS] dIrku viuk
/kksuh gS
vc fny@eu esa tks latksuh gS og
ckr lp esa gksuh gSA
esjk fopkj gS fd esjs }kjk jfpr ;g izksRlkgu
xhr fdlh fnO; izsj.kk “kfDr ds dkj.k fy[kk tk ldk gSA viuk ns”k bl fo”odi dks izkIr
dj fo”o esa viuh fdzdsV ds [ksy ds izfr yksdfiz;rk rFkk Hkkjrh; fdzdsV Vhe dh
orZeku okLrfod {kerk dk yksgk nqfu;k Hkj esa euok lds] ;g okLro esa vR;kf/kd
xoZ dh ckr gksxhA fdlh Ldwy vFkok LVsfM;e ds dqN f[kykfM+;ksa ds lkFk ,d
LVsfM;e dh i`’BHkwfe esa fdzdsV dh izSfDVl fip vFkok usV ij vH;kl esa jr ;k
fdzdsV [ksyrs gq;s dksp vFkok vEik;j ds lkFk bl fdzdsV ds izksRlkgu xhr dh ,yce
;fn f[kykfM+;ksa dks jk’Vªh; Hkkjrh; fdzdsV Vhe ds bl oYMZ di ds fy;s p;fur
lHkh fdzdsV f[kykfM+;ksa ds eq[kkSVs igukdj vfHkuhr ¼fQYek;k tk;s½ fd;k tk;s
rks bldk ifj.kke vfr izHkkodkjh gks ldrk gSA ,slk eq>s fo”okl gSA ;g fdzdsV
izsfe;ksa rFkk Hkkjrh; fdzdsV f[kykfM+;ksa dks vR;kf/kd izsj.kk ,oa izlUurk
iznku dj ldrk gSA
o’kZ LFkkuh; ¼Local½ {ks= esa jkeyhyk ukVd esa Hkxoku fo’.kq] ij”kqjke rFkk
jko.k vkfn dh y?kq Hkqfedk;sa djus vFkkZr bu izeq[k ik=ksa dk vfHku; ¼Acting½ djus dk volj feyus ds
dkj.k rFkk vfHku; esa iz;kZIr yxko dh Hkkouk esjs eu esa gksus ds dkj.k bl
izksRlkgu xhr esa eq[; dksp ;k vEik;j dh Hkwfedk eSa Lo;a djus dk bPNqd gwWa]
ftls eSa Lo;a f[kykfM+;ksa dks izsfjr djrs gq;s xkuk pkgrk gwWaA vk”kk gS fd
“kh?kz gh eq>s bl dk;Z dks lQy cukus esa ijes”oj dh lVhd lgk;rk fdlh u fdlh
izdkj vo”; gh izkIr gks ldsxhA
frjaxs ds lEeku rFkk ns”k izse dh Hkkouk dks bl fdzdsV fo”o di esa loksZifj
LFkku fey lds] blds fy;s eSaus dqN ifDr;ka bl izdkj fy[kh gSa &
usgjk iguk;sxk lsgjk] Hkkjr dk
f[kysxk psgjkA
Hkkjr dk ltk nks psgjk] Vhe
bf.M;k dk ltk gS psgjkA
fQfYMax dk etcwr gks igjk] lfpu
dk vuqHko gS xgjkA
lkxj esa vk;k gS ygjk] tc viuk
frjaxk QgjkA
frjaxk dk ltk nks Msjk] gkWa
frjaxs dk lt x;k Msjk]
;g I;kjk >.Mk gS esjk] ;g
I;kjk >.Mk gS rsjk
I;kjk >.Mk esjk&rsjk] ;g
I;kjk >.Mk rsjk&esjk
dqN fo”ks’k ifDr;ka fuEu izdkj gSa &
tkfgj gS tghj dh
cyk] fojkV dksgyh dh dyk
gkWa] cYysckth dh
dyk vkSj {ks=j{k.k dh dyk
equkQ iVsy vfrcyk] dHkh eafty ls viuh u Vyk
xkSre xaHkhj vycsyk] tSls Qyksa esa gS dsykA
& KkusUnz flag
izse ifFkd dh iqdkj] O;fHkpkj ugh gS I;kj
vueksy ,oa ije&ifo= izeksigkj½
rqEgsa ns[kk Fkk eSus tc thou esa
igyh&igyh ckj]
fny us pkgdj dgk Fkk] vkg! “kk;n
rqe gh rks gks esjs thou ds thoUr liuksa dk lEiw.kZ lkjA
vkSj fQj FkksM+k lk rM+Qdj dgk]
dk”k! rqe dqN vkSj lehi vkrs] de ls de ,d ckj rFkk viuh LokHkkfod vn~Hkqr vkokt
esa dqN dgrs] cl ;wWa gh] “kCn nks&pkj]
dk”k! ,slk gks tkrk rHkh] rks
laHkor% ge lR; gh igpku tkrs rqEgsa] fd rqe gh rks viuk [kks;k gqvk I;kj
ysfdu ge nksuksa ds njE;ku
Fkh&vKkurk] vufHkKrk] vfo”okl] ,oa vlgk;iw.kZ ÅWap&uhp dh vikjn”khZ
vr% vlEHko Fkk mldks rR{k.k djuk
ikj! Ikj fQj Hkh lq[kn vglkl gqvk fd bZ”oj dh yhyk gS vijEikj
ftlus txk;k iqu% gekjs fnyksa esa
lks;k gqvk I;kj] tSls vdLekr vk;h oalr cgkj ysdj uo izHkkr c;kj
iqufeZyu dh pkg us rc yh vaxM+kbZ
fQj ,d ckj] xwWat mBh “kgukbZ fny esa vkSj rajx esa vk;k fny dk gj ,d rkj
vpkud vUreZu us rc fny ls dgk]
fuf”pr #i ls ;gh rks gS I;kj] tks ijes”oj dh lafonk dk loZJs’B gS djkjA
mB esjs ;kj! er cSB csdkj] rqe gh
rks gks esjs thou dk lkj] ;g dg ns mlls tkdj] ;FkklaHko “kh?kzkfr”kh?kz ,d ckj
rqe nksuksa ds la;ksfxd lfEeyu ds
i”pkr gh] vc rqEgkjs thou dh gksxh uS;k ikjA
vr,o fo”okliwoZd dne c<+k ys]
vc vkSj u eu dks ekj] py gks tk rS;kj vkSj cu tk gksf”k;kj
n`<+rkiwoZd dg ns mlls fd bl
fny dks gS ml fny ls vuUr I;kj] ;gh gS bl fny dh fujUrj iqdkjA
vkRe fo”okl ds lkFk vc fo”okl dj
vius ijekRek ij] tks gS l`f’V dk fuekZrk rFkk mldh yhyk gS lnk gh vijEikj
tks nsrk gS tqnkbZ] ogh rks feykrk
gS gesa ckj&ckj] izk.k nsrk gS ogh lcdks vkSj ogh gS gekjs thou dk lkj
ckjh&ckjh ls ogh nsrk gS tUe
vkSj thou lcdks vkSj ckjh&ckjh ls nsrk gS lcdks ekjA
mldh yhyk og gh tkus fd fdlds
thou dh D;k gS /kkj] mlh us cuk;k gS rq>s uj vkSj mldks cuk;k gS ukj
vkSj nksuksa esa cukdj nks fny]
Hkj fn;k gS muesa bd&nwts ds fyls vR;Ur
I;kj] tks gS rqEgkjs xys dk gkjA
,s esjs I;kjs fny] vc /kM+d&/kM+ddj
er dj viuk thou nq”okj] ,sls {k.k thou esa ugh vkrs gSa ckj&ckj
vr,o] eq> vUrvkZRek dh ckr dks
vc dj ys rw Lohdkj] tks [kks;k gS rqus igys] er vQlksl dj ml ij csdkj
vc Lokxr dj vius uo thou dk] tks
ysdj vk;k gS rsjs thou esa I;kj Hkjh cgkj vkSj [kqf”k;ksa dh QqgkjA
;gh gS rsjs thou dk lkj vkSj
lalkj] ;gh le>krk gwWa eSa vc rq>s ckjEckj] py ik ys viuk I;kjA
dj fgEer] cu tk “kfDreku vkSj
fxjk ns gj ÅWp&uhp dh nhokj] Hkxoku gS rsjs lkFk] esjh ckr dks lgt Lohdkj
rsjh pkg] vfHkyk’kk vkSj eafty
;gh gS vkSj lR;r% ;gh gS rsjk vkfRed I;kjA
rsjs thou dk ;g e/kqj iq’i] tks
gS loZJs’B vkSj lnkcgkj] tk Nw ys mldks vkSj eglwl dj fd D;k gS bZ”oj dk vkdkjA
fQj feysxk rq>s uo&thou]
uo&LQwfrZ vkSj lPpk fueZy ;kjA
ubZ fn”kk,sa] ubZ eaftys vkSj fQj
u;s vk;ke djsxsa rsjk Lokxr] py vkxs c<+ vkSj vius nqHkkZX; dks yydkjA
rw mls ikdj cu tk ,d vrqfyr
vfHkusrk] usrk dykdkj] vnkdkj ;k lkfgR;dkjA
ij mlds fcuk rw dqN Hkh ugh gS
vkSj rsjk thuk gS csdkj] vlR; o va/kdkj dks R;kx ns] izdk”k o lR; dks Lohdkj
py fQj vkxs c<+ /kM+Yys ls]
ljiV nkSM+] cqjkbZ NksM+] vPNkbZ dks xys yxk vkSj lcdks nsrk tk viukiu vkSj
vc thou esa rqEgsa ns[krk gwWa]
dHkh&dHkkj] ij fny esa ikrk gwWa ges”kk gj ckjA
fny pkgrk gS] vk tkvks thou esa
lnk ds fy;s vkSj ik yks esjk vR;Ur
vuUr I;kj! cl I;kj] I;kj] I;kjA
&KkusUnz flgaW
fnO;kRek Lokeh foosdkuUn ds
tUeksRlo ¼;qok&fnol½ ds ‘kqHk volj ij
^loZ /keZ lEesyu* lHkk ds fojkV
vk;kstu ij vki lHkh vkeaf=r gSaA
fnukad % 12
tuojh 2011
le; % izkr% 10 cts ls lka; 5 cts rd
LFkku %&
izs{kkx`g ¼mn;jkt fgUnw b.Vj dkWyst] dk”khiqj½
lEesyu ds fopkj fcUnq %
1& lHkh /keksZa dh vusdrk esa
,drk dk lkj&fo”o cU/kqRo vFkkZr~ vkilh HkkbZpkjkA
2& Lokeh foosdkuUn rFkk ns”k
ds vU; egkiq:’kksa dk ekuo&lekt] ns”k ,oa nqfu;k dh izxfr] fodkl ,oa
vk/;kfRed mUufr esa ;ksxnkuA
Ekap ds mn~ns”; %&
1& lHkh
/keksaZ dks ,d eap ij vkus dk volj iznku dj Hkkjr dh laLd`fr ,oa v[k.Mrk dks
cuk;s j[kus dk iz;kl djukA
2& Hkkjrh;
ifjos”k esa lHkh /kekZs ds vuq;kf;vksa ds fnyksa esa ns”k izse dh Hkkouk tkxzr
3& lHkh dks
Lo/keZ esa thou ;kiu djrs gq, Js’B ukxfjd cuus dh izsj.kk ,oa fn”kk iznku djus
esa lgk;rk djukA
4& lHkh
/kekZsa ls lEcfU/kr eq[; lkfgR; rFkk ns”k ds LkHkh izeq[k egku O;fDr;ksa ls
lEcfU/kr lkfgR; dks ,d gh LFkku ij miyC/k djkus gsrq fo”ks’k iqLrdky; dk
fuekZ.k djkukA
5& Hkkjr ds
egku fgUnh lkfgR;dkj Jh fo;ksxh gfj dh lRladYiuk vFkkZr~ ml lius dks iw.kZ
djkus dk iz;kl djuk] ftlds vuqlkj lHkh /kekZsa] iUFkksa ,oa jk’Vªksa ds O;fDr
,d gh fo”o&efUnj esa viuh&viuh J`)k] fo”okl ,oa fof/k ls ijes”oj dk
Lej.k dj ldasA
6& Hkkjrh;
laLd`fr ,oa /keZ”kkL= dk Kku izlkj djkus gsrq fo”ks’k d{kkvksa ,oa
dk;Z”kkykvksa dk vk;kstu djkukA
vk;kstd lfefr %& Kku/kkjk
loZ/keZ izse lHkk eap
Thursday, 19 February 2015
Yesterday, I composed one song in Gujarat Vidyapeeth
for India Cricket Team. Hence , I have composed here
five songs like this , in which two songs each on 15th
and 17th but one on 19th of this month.
As a whole , 38 songs have been composed through
my pen by the grace of God for Team India in which
21 songs and 12 songs have been composed for this
subject in Uttarakhand and Maharastra respectively.
So far , only five songs have been composed in this
Gujarat State for India cricket Team.
Thus, 21 + 12 + 5 = 38 songs only
In Maharastra, my first song was composed
on 19th, January and last three on 6th February.
On 26th January, 2015 four songs were composed
and it was the maximum number in this respect of
my song composing life.
May all beings be happy !
for India Cricket Team. Hence , I have composed here
five songs like this , in which two songs each on 15th
and 17th but one on 19th of this month.
As a whole , 38 songs have been composed through
my pen by the grace of God for Team India in which
21 songs and 12 songs have been composed for this
subject in Uttarakhand and Maharastra respectively.
So far , only five songs have been composed in this
Gujarat State for India cricket Team.
Thus, 21 + 12 + 5 = 38 songs only
In Maharastra, my first song was composed
on 19th, January and last three on 6th February.
On 26th January, 2015 four songs were composed
and it was the maximum number in this respect of
my song composing life.
May all beings be happy !
Sunday, 15 February 2015
Friday, 13 February 2015
6th Cycling Expedition
For Wold Cup And World Peace
Venue : Anand ( Gujarat )
Date : 13-02-2015
With a sense of great bliss and His blessing providence, I wish to inform that
I am a social activist, cyclist and poet from Uttarakhand. I have done five times Cycling Expeditions and covered beyond 22,220 Km on bicycle for mass awakening regarding World Peace ( Environment Preservation, Communal Harmony, Crime Control , National Unity, Indian Culture and so on ) from time to time and for Cricket World Cup Victory for India Cricket Team in last World Cup Cricket Tournament-2011 in six states beyond 2500 Km.
I have just started my 6th Cycling Expedition on Sunday last dated 01-02-2015 from Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai to Eden Garden Stadium, Kolkata wishing for India Cricket Team the great glorious victory to win World Cup - 2015 held in Australia and New Zealand as well as World Peace for the whole World.
As a poet as well as song composer, I have composed 33 songs (Including one song for India Cricket Team that was composed in 2011 before the beginning of World Cup cricket Tournament) to motivate, inspire and encourage India Cricket Team with full of national and patriotic feelings of my heart and soul. Hopefully, all lovers of sports and supporters of India Cricket Team and National Unity certainly will like them very much heartily.
Therefore, I wish to seek your kind good wishes and guidance for my this sixth Cycling Expedition started from the exalted and prestigious Wankhede Stadium to reach Eden Garden Stadium, Kolkata making this Expedition successful with many social activities, prayers on innumerable holy places and pilgrimages on the way with delivering lectures in schools , colleges and varsities as I have delivered 87 such lectures on the subject of Secret Of Success, World Peace, Protection Of Environment and so on during my Expeditions or so.
Venue : Anand ( Gujarat )
Date : 13-02-2015
With a sense of great bliss and His blessing providence, I wish to inform that
I am a social activist, cyclist and poet from Uttarakhand. I have done five times Cycling Expeditions and covered beyond 22,220 Km on bicycle for mass awakening regarding World Peace ( Environment Preservation, Communal Harmony, Crime Control , National Unity, Indian Culture and so on ) from time to time and for Cricket World Cup Victory for India Cricket Team in last World Cup Cricket Tournament-2011 in six states beyond 2500 Km.
I have just started my 6th Cycling Expedition on Sunday last dated 01-02-2015 from Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai to Eden Garden Stadium, Kolkata wishing for India Cricket Team the great glorious victory to win World Cup - 2015 held in Australia and New Zealand as well as World Peace for the whole World.
As a poet as well as song composer, I have composed 33 songs (Including one song for India Cricket Team that was composed in 2011 before the beginning of World Cup cricket Tournament) to motivate, inspire and encourage India Cricket Team with full of national and patriotic feelings of my heart and soul. Hopefully, all lovers of sports and supporters of India Cricket Team and National Unity certainly will like them very much heartily.
Therefore, I wish to seek your kind good wishes and guidance for my this sixth Cycling Expedition started from the exalted and prestigious Wankhede Stadium to reach Eden Garden Stadium, Kolkata making this Expedition successful with many social activities, prayers on innumerable holy places and pilgrimages on the way with delivering lectures in schools , colleges and varsities as I have delivered 87 such lectures on the subject of Secret Of Success, World Peace, Protection Of Environment and so on during my Expeditions or so.
I hope you will be happy to know that I have been also observing at least 12 hours daily fasting from 20th January to 20th March, 2015 but for any potable or edible things for 60 days as a whole. I also wish to complete this Expedition on Cycle for more than 5000 Km in zigzag manner going through Gujarat, Rajasthan, M.P. , Chhattisgarh, Odisha and so on states before reaching the Eden Garden Stadium in Kolkata by the divine grace of Almighty God.
Thank you so much naturally.
Yours sincerely
Thank you so much naturally.
Yours sincerely
Gyanendra Singh ( Kavi - Gyani Hindustani )
Poet, Cyclist and Social Activist from Facebook : Gyani Hindustani
Email : Contact : 07351117976
Poet, Cyclist and Social Activist from Facebook : Gyani Hindustani
Email : Contact : 07351117976
My 6th Cycling Expedition
Distance covered so far
On day Date Kilometers
Sunday 01-02-2015 20
Monday 02-02-2015 40
Tuesday 03-02-2015 00
Wednesday 04-02-2015 90
Thursday 05-02-215 15
Friday & Saturday 6 & 7 240
Sunday 08-02-2015 15
Monday 09-02-2015 10
Tuesday 10-02-2015 10
Wednesday & Thursday 11 & 12 220
Friday 13-02-2015 10
Sunday 01-02-2015 20
Monday 02-02-2015 40
Tuesday 03-02-2015 00
Wednesday 04-02-2015 90
Thursday 05-02-215 15
Friday & Saturday 6 & 7 240
Sunday 08-02-2015 15
Monday 09-02-2015 10
Tuesday 10-02-2015 10
Wednesday & Thursday 11 & 12 220
Friday 13-02-2015 10
Total 660 Km only
Monday, 9 February 2015
6th Cycling
For World Cup And World Peace
Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai to Eden Garden Stadium, Kolkata
Cycling for more than 5000 Km in zigzag
manner going through Gujarat, Rajasthan,
M.P. , Chhattisgarh, Odisha and so on states before reaching the Eden Garden
Stadium in Kolkata.
having covered beyond 22,220 Km on
bicycle in five times Cycling Expeditions for mass awakening regarding World Peace ( Environment Preservation, Communal
Harmony, Crime Control , National Unity, Indian Culture and so on ) from time
to time and for
Cricket World Cup Victory for India Cricket Team in last World Cup Cricket Tournament-2011 in six states beyond 2500 Km.
Yours sincerely
Singh ( Kavi - Gyani Hindustani )
Cyclist and Social Activist from Uttarakhand
Facebook :
Gyani Hindustani
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