Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Kindly send your good ideas and suggestions with
valuable guidance or weighty guidelines after having
studied well bellow about some of my past , present
and prospective social activities. Thanks a lot.

Shri Bittoo Rajneesh Memorial
Viswa Shanti Aur Maanav Dharm Mission 
(Global Peace And Mankind Mission
Founder : Gyanendra Singh

Main Points : Global Peace, Environment Protection, 
Protection For Helpless Children And Old People
Crime Control, Women Protection,
National Unity, Communal Harmony,
Religious Tolerance, Universal Brotherhood

( a ) A mission for whole world humanity and all religions brotherhood for World Peace and Spiritual Harmony
( b ) A mission working for global peace and development beginning from regional level.
( c ) . A progressive international mission, struggling for mutual goodwill, interaction, prosperity , happiness, brotherhood and honour for all religions , creeds and faiths on this earth. 
( d ) . A union that struggling for Communal Harmony , Goodwill , Unity of Mankind in the path of World Peace .

· Main Aims of the Society/ Mission

1. For creating awareness on National Unity and World Peace in all human community through moral and useful universal learning or instructions.

2. For National Unity, making meaningful attempts through proper instructions or essential steps of education regarding our respective human rights and duties according to our national constitution.

3. Starting from very local or regional level , making some useful attempts regularly for bringing all helpless and deprived persons into main streamline of modern progress in this world through regular natural gradual attempts.

4. Encouraging the followers of all religions regularly regarding the importance of fellow feelings of tolerance, mutual love, goodwill and universal brotherhood.

5. Organizing the social, cultural and religious programmes from time to time, for the development of fellow feelings about Unity of Humanity, essential brotherhood and Peace.

6. Doing mass awakening in all groups of people or community , for leaving or keeping away from all social and moral evils as smoking ,drinking wine, bribery , corruption and like this so on.

7. Creating awareness on the usefulness of religious and moral values besides professional education.

8. Making awareness on the importance of games and sports in human life in view with usefulness of unity and team spirit in all walks of life for the growth of mankind.

9. Making various positive attempts for the proper development with their latent talents in every manner, among children for bright future and meaningful lives with natural growth of their noble personality development.

10. For Indian National Unity, encouraging the people to attain the proper knowledge of main Indian languages as Sanskrit, Urdu , Gurumukhi ( Punjabi ) , Hindi and Sindhi etc.
It may be very useful growing the feelings of mutual natural unity through making these great languages maintaining eternal and everlasting.

11. For encouraging the people of all groups of community or religions about mutual goodwill and good understanding for attaining the state of global World Peace , making a foundation and place for building a World Temple to welcome there the people of all religions , creeds or faiths. Besides this, also making a vast library for making available there all holy books of all religions' sacred scriptures and the mostly worthwhile books of mostly all great saints, philosopher, thinkers, scholars and social reformers of all nations or the whole world.

12. Encouraging to live life in accordance with their respective morals written in their covenant of individual religious holy books and regard the Humanity or Manav Dharma as our supreme, first and foremost obligation. To encourage the people to respect all religions and their own respective holy books as Gita,Koran,Bible,Gurugranth Sahib,Kitaab-E-Akdas and so on.
President: Gyanendra Singh ( Poet- Gyani Hindustani )

Contact : 0 9548901582 , 08096295431 , 08096295431 , gyanihindustani@gmail.com,cyclingforpeace@gmail.com
Village and P.O. – Kundeshwari , Tehsil – Kashipur, District: U.S.Nagar , Uttarakhand, India 

Thursday, 7 August 2014

My message  for 
          with the theme, PEACE AND SERVICE 

Dear Sir,
              I am intensely happy after having learnt that SBRR Mahjana First Grade College is hosting two days INTERNATIONAL PEACE CONFERENCE - VII with the theme, PEACE AND SERVICE on 6th and 9th August 2014 respectively.
   I hope that students and all other participants will
get many inspiration and essential encouragement as a sense of duty and responsibility for making their respective lives meaningful with bright successes through the light of knowledge and experiences of
all great thinkers, scholars and orators in this glorious seminar titled as INTERNATIONAL PEACE CONFERENCE - VII with the theme, PEACE AND SERVICE 
  I remember that I attended the same conference last year in your college when I was in your city 
during my fifth Cycling Expedition   and now after finishing that my mission about  Peace against
crime from Rameshwaram to Mumbai which was finished from 29-04-2013 to 14-04-2014 after having
covered the distance more than 7450 Km , I have crossed on cycle beyond 22,220 Km in my last five
CYCLING EXPEDITIONS so far from 2002 for mass awakening in the country regarding various good
and noble causes while paddling on bicycle. I am immensely happy after having encouragement  in
all four states of south India and Maharastra in the light of having many many opportunity for delivering lectures in many schools, colleges and universities about my particular cause of Peace Against Crime . During that span of time, I got chance for 83 lecture as a whole, specially for the good of the students of Varsities and Schools for making them responsible citizens of the world.
      I am deeply grateful for having boundless inspiration from the students and staff of your noted college.
You too, appreciated my efforts for Global Peace And Against Crime so much that I can never forget the reaction of your kind response as you provided me 
one thousand rupees for my good and social cause immediately but for any asking from my side for that. 
Not only this , you also organised a special talk for me
particularly on Cycling For Peace -March Against Crime  as providing me specific chance to express my views for the favor of my encouragement and essential inspirations for me as well as innumerable students of your well known college while making me chief guest there in the grand auditorium of your college.When I was
in Mumabi during my fifth Cycling Journey , I remind myself again, you sent me three thousand rupees in my
utmost need from your own pocket. It has been the maximum monetary help by any individual in my life so far for helping me for the sake of my social activities.
Really , I can never thank and repay for it throughout my
whole life.
   Having got such a grand and dignified inspiration, 
I wish to disclose the fact of my next CYCLING EXPEDITION FOR PEACE AND HUMANITY will be started from Mumabi ( Maharastra ) to Jaggannathpuri 
( Odisha ) via Nagapur and Raipur. By the grace of God, 
I wish to start it on 14th November, The Children's day.
   I hope you will again like and appreciate my next action or effort for society or mankind. Now as your college has been
reopened, for the next favour in my need for next social activities in this present period, being again encouraged and 
bold, I expect and wish to ask your all students for a sum of
kind collection at least twenty rupees each (20 Rs. per student)
which will make me more indebted and grateful of your college
and Mother India to do my work from the bottom of my heart.
I hope my latest poem will also infuse necessary good feelings and broad open outlook for your all intelligent students to be good and do good for making our life meaningful for mankind.
May God bless you,each and all.
Yours truly
Gyanendra Singh ( Poet- Gyani Hindustani )
Social Activist and Cyclist from Uttarakhand

Cycling For Peace
Dear friends,   I hope , I will be provided the best direction and blessings with proper courage , cooperation and useful guidelines to act for my social missi...
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Facebook: Gyani Hindustani

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Translation And Hidden Meaning of my latest poem titled " Prayer To Lord "

O My Supreme Almighty Lord !
I wish ardently to have light of true learning or knowledge in my soul.
I must have internal power of righteous truthfulness till I have this life
breathing force in my this physical body. O Lord ! my next wish is
to have right discrimination with purity of soul in my individual existence.
 should be peace everywhere without any querrel or war all over the
world. Every creature must be happy and prosperious but for any
despair or a bit of disappointment. My mind should never be irritated or
deviated from the righteous path and heart should be ever with devotion
and faith in divinity. My hands should be so strong, healthy and powerful
to get easily all the aims of life at once before long. I wish to have new gusto
or enthusiasm of success without any realization of sadness or despair.
My mind should not go ashtray with useless wandering and it should have
absolute attention towards its sole target or destination with a sense of glory
for mutual goodwill and true understanding for power of humanity.
By the grace of His celestial Providence , every heart should be closed with
one another. My/ Our mind should be concentrated or deeply single minded
with its motto. It should be ever engrossed/involved in noble aim.
Everybody should be properly cultivated or developed and there should be
nobody present anywhere in this world as a poor or slave. There must not be
any dispute , quarrel or war anywhere and no one should be starved or
deprived of any basic needs. Everybody should have everything or all basic
needs of life. My / Our heart should have keen interest and enthusiasm of true love to all and for some special one. Our lives should be lived happily together. Our lives/ my life should be lived in such a manner that even austerity or simple moderation of life should be felt as totally filled with all great and bright colours. Hatred should be eradicated immediately and the love of divine purity should be ever close and here ever. Having forgotten animosity or dissention , we should feel a sense of love. Giving up the useless enxiety , my mind should be under my control as a faithful slave or servant. There should be victory to good actions and total eradication of bad activities, crime and corruptions throughtout the world.
-- Poet Gyani Hindustani ( Gyanendra Singh )